Case Histories

MIDOR Shutdown Maintenance

Between December 14, 2023, and January 9, 2024, Middle East Oil Refinery (MIDOR) went through a significant shutdown, in which we actively participated.

During this period, we integrated a substantial fleet of 6 jet pumps, nearly categorized into three primary types:

1. Jet washers with a capability of reaching 300 bar.
2. High-pressure jet pumps capable of reaching 1500 bar.
3. Ultra-high-pressure jet pumps with a maximum operating pressure of 2500 bar.

Our dedicated workforce comprised 2 Project Engineers, 2 supervisors, and 20 operators, organized into two teams operating on a round-the-clock basis with 12-hour shifts.

And here are some examples of the work that was completed, comparing their state before and after our operation.

Ultra High pressure application

Using our technology trough UHP water jetting system and Pumps to Clean one of most hard chemical materials tanks .

Date : job finished on 3rd of October.2022

Duration : less than 36 hours

Job details : 2 tanks

Tank Capacity : 12000 litters each tank

Tanks Conditions Before & After the cleaning job   



After :